Thursday, October 29, 2015

Healing bones, healing hearts, healing futures

Two work posts in a row! Whoa, watch out!
I know I haven't written much about the details of what I do at work. But I really wanted to share some new things that are happening so all of you out there can be praying for some very special patients that will walk through our doors soon. 
Up to this point in the field service, I have been primarily working with plastic/reconstructive surgery patients and a few general surgeries. It has been lots of fun to see the transformation in each patient and I've learned so much! However, next week we will change our focus to orthopedic surgery. I've been looking forward to this for a while after hearing other nurses talk about how exciting it is to care for these patients and see the dramatic results, and I'm so happy they will be coming to A Ward where I work! We will see all kinds of orthopedic problems such as club feet and bowed legs. 

Here are a few of the incredible patients from last year: 

Even more exciting, I had the opportunity this week to take part in Orthopedics Evaluation Day. We invited each of the patients from last year to come back to see how they are getting along. My job was to ask a list of questions about if they are happy with their results and the difference it's made in their daily life. They also met with physical therapy and the Orthopedic surgeon to make sure they were healing properly.
Many of the patients seen in the video came back to visit and you would hardly know they just had major surgery about 1 year ago. They were running around playing, riding toy cars and getting into trouble just like any small child should. In talking with the parents, so many were overjoyed with the difference these surgeries have made in their children's lives. They could not say thank you enough and were excited to tell how their child can go to school and play with the other kids instead of feeling left out or unable to keep up. 
Taking part in this follow up day only increased my excitement for the new patients coming next week! Each of them is loved and important and deserves to live their life free from the shame and disability that these conditions bring.

Just a little bone humor for you :)

Orthopedics prayer requests:
~ Minimal pain after surgery
~ Bones to heal quick and strong
~ Patience and distraction for many small children who will be on bedrest and with limited mobility for some time
~ No infections post-op (a bone infection can be a death sentence in a place where there is no long term treatments available
~ Good rehab (can take months of frequent physical therapy to recover function)
~ (and a personal request) Confidence as I transition into being a charge nurse...when I feel like I don't know enough to answer all the questions yet!

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